I found this article on Common Dreams, but originally it was from the Toronto Star:
Published on Tuesday, July 26, 2005 by the Toronto Star
Who's Taking Blame for Christian Violence?
by Calvin White
Now that imams in Britain and Canada are standing up and publicly condemning terrorist acts as anti-Muslim and against the teachings in the Qur'an, I wonder if pressure might be put on Christian leaders to take a similar stand.
Contrary to what some might like to insist, Christianity is not the religion of "an eye for an eye" but it is the religion of Jesus, who refined those earlier directions and distilled the ten commandments into two. One was to "love thy neighbor as thyself." Pretty definitive isn't it? As is the edict of turning the other cheek.
Jesus expected to be betrayed. He expected to be arrested by the authorities. There was no exhortations to prepare for battle. There was no bloody attempt to stop the proceedings.
Even as Jesus was brutalized while carrying his own crucifixion cross and being nailed onto the timbers, there was no violent counterforce from his disciples. Not even an outcry.
No matter where one reads in the accounts of Jesus, the only conclusion one can come to is that Jesus was about love.
So where are the Christian leaders when it comes to violent actions by our Western leaders? Where are the televangelists, who every Sunday take over the airwaves to trumpet the message of Jesus, when it comes to taking on bunker busting bombs and mass carnage?
Where are they when it comes to the death penalty prevalent in the majority of American states?
When President George Bush insists that billions of dollars need to continue flowing to the war effort in Iraq which leads to more American body bags and Iraqi graves, why is there no outcry? Why don't the Christian leaders stand up and challenge those decisions, and passionately assert that Jesus would have sought another way of solving the problems?
In this time when Christianity is on the rise all over America, when there is a growing surge in extolling Christian values, why is it that when the born-again Bush says it's better to fight "them" over there than on American soil, no concerted group of leaders stands up and yells that he's got it wrong?
Like Bush, British Prime Minister Tony Blair is also born again.
Yet, their combined leadership has been responsible for excruciating death and injury to innocent civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq.
They both claim a righteousness in their policies of destruction. They were even counseled by their secular allies not to resort to the carnage. Where was the equal pressure from the Christian leadership?
Interesting, isn't it, that Muslim fanatics use the idea of holy jihad and rewards in paradise to recruit their dupes into terrible acts of destruction, and in Christian circles there is the solemn assembling for prayer and seeking of blessings for the troops and leaders in their mission of war.
Interesting, isn't it, that polling clearly indicates the Christian right in America is emphatically against bad language on TV and in the movies, horrified by Janet Jackson's bare nipple — but drawn with considerable relish to violence in the same media.
The additional galling irony of Jesus being emblazoned on the foreheads of those in command of the sharpest swords is that Jesus was also all about intelligence. He was all about deeper understanding, about using insight and keenness of mind to solve problems. Think of how the Pharisees tried to trick him by holding up different sections of the law to trip him up.
His disciples picking corn, for instance, and thus working, on the Sabbath. Jesus answered that the Sabbath was for man and not the other way around. There was the adulteress brought before him to be stoned; he responded that any without sin might cast the first stone.
What kind of insight have Bush and Blair employed? What intelligence, what deeper understanding is demonstrated by the tactic of blast and shoot with as much technologically advanced weaponry as is available?
What compassion, what recognition of common humanity is shown when the biggest concern is how to pad the soldiers with as much body Kevlar and the humvees with as much armour as possible so they can kill all the easier without casualties — and thus retain the support of the home front.
How do our current religious leaders think Jesus would react to the concept of collateral damage?
Calvin White is a freelance commentator and poet who lives in British Columbia.
© 2005 Toronto Star Newspapers Ltd.
Posted by Grinth Wednesday, July 27, 2005 at 12:00 AM
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9:47 AM
Well, because Bush has, since day one, claimed this war was the will of God and has his full blessing.
Many christian leaders actively support the war in Iraq.
This article is not really directed at christians in general, but rather at the prominent christian leadership in this country.
I don't think the author is holding the church accountable for the war, I think he is holding accountable the christian leadership in this country for fully supporting violent action, while not encouraging other options to be explored.
There is also the issue of defending oneself. Using your biblical example one would be hard pressed to believe that this would also have encompassed his disciples to take violent actions against someone they believed might try to hurt them.
There is a big difference between self-defense and preemptive action.
If you killed someone and were brought up on charges, trying to argue that you killed that person because you had suspicion they might try to mug you would not hold even the smallest amount of water.
I think it also gets at the heart of the current situation. It is becoming increasingly obvious that our current actions are not solving the current problems in Iraq - why has not one prominent christian leader with political clout with the President come forward and requested a look at alternative solutions?
The muslim leaders in England have stood up and declared that violence isn't the answer. Bush, considered a christian leader, continues to push that violence is the only answer, yet no one from the christian community has been willing to suggest that might not be the case.
WWII and Iraq are really completely different situations. Vietnam is probably the closest comparison to the Iraq conflict, and even that is tenous at best.
5:08 PM
I am assuming that no one has come forward, however I would imagine if one did it would make the news.
I think it is a little faulty to blame resistance to UN inspections as the reason to invade Iraq as the only reason the inspections were ordered was because of evidence since proven to be blatantly false.
But really, this article and issue isn't about who supported going to war in the first place, but rather the continued choice to blindly accept the administration's stance that things are going swimmingly in Iraq and that we are making great progress.
This is becoming increasingly not the truth, even from the mouths of the commanding officers of the army in Iraq, and polls show that a majority of americans now feel that this is not the truth either.
I think the point goes far deeper than blaming christians for the mess in Iraq - it suggests that even as we continue to demonize muslims everywhere and label them religous fanatics their leading members are willing to stand up and denounce the use of violence.
Whether christian or not, Bush claimed this war was the will of God, and as continued casualities pile up with no significant progress, I do find it telling that christian leaders remain in silent consent - or not so silent consent - read this article by Hal Lindsey a leading christian evangelist: http://www.hallindseyoracle.com/articles.asp?ArticleID=11535
Not only is there no requests to reduce or eliminate the violence, but leaders like Hal Lindsey are threatening an increase in violence...
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