
If you ask me the state of TV shows these days is pretty pathetic. Pretty much every channel runs reality shows, or "CSI: Nepal". There a couple exceptions of course - like The Family Guy(which doesn't really even count as a sitcom) or Reno 911 but the lack of good writing and good ideas is so glaringly evident I almost feel sorry for the networks.

That being said two new shows have shown up that have won me over. Both of them are part of the FX network lineup so you'll have to have cable to watch them.

The first show is "Starved." I have heard people describe it as Seinfeld but with eating disorders. While I can see where someone would draw this comparison they are doing a huge disservice to the show.

It has gotten some major flak in the media for "poking fun at eating disorders" but most of these media types like to leave out the fact that the creator/writer/main actor in the show himself struggled for years with an eating disorder, so it's not like he isn't writing from experience.

What I can say about the show is that it is absolutely hilarious, at times incredibly crass, and at other times incredibly moving. I can't recall a 30 minute show that managed to make me laugh out loud multiple times and shake me emotionally through its underlying seriousness. You might find that in an hour show if you're lucky but a 30 minute show that has commercials? - that's good writing. Any way if you can handle crass humor (one episode involved colonoscopies and another had a minor story line where the main male character accidently injures himself when he decides to shave, eh hmm, down there).

The second show I've really been enjoying is called "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia". This one is just plain funny. Three Guys and One girl run a irish bar in a run down area of Philly. You can view promo clips of the show at fx's website which will do a better job of describing it than I will.