
Well as the title suggests I am currently engaged in the fine art of procrastination. This last week and the one coming up have and will be brutal in regards to school, so I'm finding it difficult to sit down and do homework right now.

So, instead of writing a paper I'm posting here and watching the USC, Notre Dame game. Earlier this week I gave a 45 minute presentation, yesterday I wrote one of the two papers that are due on Monday, and then on Thursday I have a mid-term.

Lots of fun let me tell you.

Any way, while I have been sitting here watching the football game, I noticed a new commercial for Taco Bell. Now granted, being given the assignment to make Taco Bell food appear appetizing is equivalent to being asked to acheive world peace, but still these new Taco Bell commercials are down right idiotic.

Nod if you've seen the new ones. You know, the ones where they use hip lingo like "grillmiester" and everyone in the entire neighborhood have simultaneously been gifted with the superpower like skill of being able to smell things practically a mile away and the curse of having their sense of smell ruined. You know your smelling ability is screwed when you can't tell the difference between some good grilled eats and a hodge podge taco plate, filled with stale tortilla chips, pre-processed fake cheese, and whatever poor animal got chosen to substitute for steak.

This new commercial not only annoys me, but the only inclination it gives me is to beat down the people who made the commercial for being so retarded.

Any way, if you see it or a variation of it you'll know. TRUST ME.



7:04 PM

Exactly my sentiments. I would group the Burger King commecials in there as well, except most of the new ones just weird me out more than anything else.

I can tell you one thing, if I turned around in a forestto find someone dressed in a king outfit standing IMMEDIATELY behind me the last thing I would do is eat the sandwich he is holding.

More likely I would pee than run my ass off.