I'm Sick, 'Desperate Housewives' = NOT FUNNY, PBS, 'Mystery', and a Streaking Einstein

Eh, so I managed to get sick. 'Tis always fun I suppose. I think it is just a cold, but we will see what the next few days bring me. Started getting sick on Saturday and hit me full blast yesterday. Any way, I've been being a vegetable as you probably can imagine.

As such this has given me the opportunity to watch way too much TV. For example, the Golden Globes. Would someone PLEASE explain to me how anyone in their right mind could find 'Desperate Housewives' the funniest show on television. It's not even a comedy. It's a nighttime soap opera/melodrama with brief "comedic" moments. I'm sorry but Steve Carrell's 5 minute thank you speech was more humorous than an entire season of 'Desperate Housewives'. And since I mentioned it, I hope you caught his acceptance speech, it was clever and good natured humor, and unfortunately it gave me a couple painful cough ridden fits of laughter before I contained myself.

Of course I'm probably the only one who actually watched the globes, but what can you do. As much as they often frustrate me (see previous rant about Desperate Housewives not being educational...errr humorous) I can't seem to help myelf when it comes to the globes and the Oscars. Actually, I probably could leave the Globes out but the Oscars...I get more excited about the Oscars than the Superbowl, and in fact I prefer to have Oscar parties over Superbowl parties....and for those of you who know my passion for football, well, you know that's saying a lot.

Is this post long enough yet? I'm sorry was that a 'zzzzzzz' or a 'no'? I couldn't quite make it out. Hmm, oh well, speaking of watching TV, I've also found myself watching PBS on a regular basis. I've always tuned in from time to time, but lately I find myself turning the channel over to PBS several times a week. They've got some good programs running. Watched a great special on the Bear Rain Forest in the Pacific Northwest last night while I waited for the nyquil to kick in. Things got really interesting when a man who could only be described as being a dead ringer for Albert Einstein was seen streaking through the trees, chasing a bear, while screaming "I'll show you relativity!!!!!"

....or maybe that was the nyquil, it all is a little hazy at this point. I am being serious though (not about Einstein), there has been some great stuff lately. I've even managed to catch 'Mystery'. That show has been on PBS for as long as I can remember (so we're talking 22, 23 years) and I'm positive it has been on much longer than that. The actors have changed of course, but the intro and format remains untouched. It was an interesting trip down nostalgia lane.

Well I suppose I should stop rambling now. Classes start tomorrow, I should be asleep, not before the nyquil though. I got an email from my professor stating that he will be handing out course packets totalling 1000 pages of unpublished manuscripts, I don't know whether to be scared or intriqued. Either way here's to hoping my head and throat feel a lot better tomorrow than they do today.



10:23 PM

I didn't pay too much attention to the fashion, but I did happen to notice Scarlett Johansen(sp?) was looking extremely nice.

Oh and I'm on the road to recovery so all is well...while colds are annoying I don't mind them too much, it's just that I awlays get nervous it is going to turn into bronchitis.