Share your quotes

Recently AFI released a list of the "100 greatest quotes of all time". Now if you looked at it I am sure you had a similar response to the list as I did. Some you might agree with, some you might disagree with but could understand, and some just seemed silly.

In that light I thought it would be fun to open up a post where people could share the quotes they feel should have been on the top 100 list.

I'll start off with a couple (I'm sure I will add more):

"We've got both kinds of music - country and western" Blues Brothers

"You can call me dude, or el duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing" The Big Lebowski

"We are the knights who say, 'Ne!'" Monty Python and the Holy Grail

"Goooood Morning Vieeetnaaaam!" Good Morning Vietnam

"Snakes? I HATE snakes." Raiders of the Lost Ark

"The best trick the devil ever pulled was to convince people he didn't exist." The Usual Suspects



7:02 PM

I noticed from visiting your blog that you list You've got mail as one of your favorite movies.

I'm curious to know why? ... and why not another Tom Hanks Meg Ryan movie like When Harry Met Sally.

Another quote:

"Khaaaaaaaaannnnn!!!!" The Wrath of Khan


10:32 PM

Another quote:

"We're on a mission from God" Blues Brothers


11:57 AM

I haven't personally been to New York, but I hope to be able to go sometime in the near future.

Good quotes!

"I'll be quiet."
"I'll be peace!"

What About Bob


8:02 PM

Hehe I had forgotten about that one.

One that popped into my mind is more of a dialogue than a quote but it comes from Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home.

Two garbage men are having a discussion when the cloaked kllingon ship lands during the middle of their conversation.

"You two are always arguing. Why do you fight so much?"
"I like the way she fights."
Ship lands and door opens
"Did you see that!?"
"No and neither did you so shutup!"