War of the Worlds

I went with a friend to see War of the Worlds today and I must say I was very pleasantly surprised. My expectations were rather low admittedly, mainly because the last movie I went to see that was a remake of a classic sci-fi (Planet of the Apes) sucked big time.

Spielberg did an excellent job. He managed to give the movie a very 50's feel without being to overbearing. It kept me interested and I was involved with the film throughout.

It's a fun entertaining film and worth seeing in the theater. My only real complaint is that Spielberg ends the movie on a happy note (I would clarify exactly what I am referring to in regards to a happy note but I do not wish to give away the ending of the film). This is to be expected though as Spielberg is famous for this.



3:12 PM

Trust me I'm right there with you,
you forget about all that about 20 minutes into the movie.


7:58 PM

I have been formulating an interesting topic in my head exploring the idea that Tim Robbins character embodies the current mindset of our incumbent administration.

After I have run through it a few more times in my head, I'll probably post it here so stay tuned!