Before the Movie

While I was sitting in the theater before the movie started, I was thouroughly enjoying the amazing music droning from the speakers. I was trying to decide what I found more disturbing: the multitude of New Life ads with super close ups of people's faces, on a giant screen no less, or the adverts for propane.

As you can tell it was exciting, but this pleasant time was jarred to a halt as this guy walked into the theater wearing a black shirt with a sentence all in large white letters that read "Liberalism Breeds Terrorism" and on the back it read "Terrorism Breeds Liberalism".

Now moving beyond the absurdness of suggesting that liberals are terrorists or that they are interchangeable, I desperately found myself wishing I could have my own black shirt with the words "Thanks to Liberals He Can Wear That Shirt" and an arrow pointing to him. Then I would just follow him around ALL DAY, not saying a word, but never the less annoying the hell out of him.

Any way no need to go on about the shirt. I got to see a couple excellent previews The Island and King Kong. If you haven't seen the preview of Peter Jackson's remake of King Kong check it out, it looks really really good and as for The Island it looks like a remake of Logan's Run, but with Ewan McGregor, Scarlett Johanssen, and Steve Buscemi it has some promise.



10:22 AM

You know I would actually say I wasn't offended. If anything I was frustated that someone could believe so strongly about it that they would be willing to where it in a theater where a couple hundred people will see it.

If it wasn't so absurd, I probably would have been offended.

I don't believe we should get offended, although it will happen, and when it does I agree with redwolf and it is how you deal with it that is important.


7:49 PM

I agree, unfortunately he was a perfect example of teh extremism that redwolf has highlighted elsewhere.


9:37 PM

That's right, Liberalism Breeds Terrorism! The truth hurts, doesn't it. We are so sick of the America hating liberals in this country that we had to boldly proclaim the truth. We love to debate you filthy immoral liberals, but every time we do, it is the same tactic....hit and run. Liberals stand for nothing, so it is easy to defeat them. Go to to order your own shirt. It will quickly become your favorite when you see how many liberals you can annoy. It's funny because they think they have a monopoly on free speech! Thanks, and may America bless God. Dan&Dawn