Saw something good? Tell us about it!

This was inspired by the quotes thread, I thought it might be fun to have a post where people can share if they've seen something good (TV or otherwise).

Redwolf, you mentioned Last of the Mohicans and I wondered if you have been watching the Into the West miniseries on TNT. If you haven't you should check it out. It is rather well done and does a decent job of potraying the colonization of our west in an objective light.

I've been really surprised by the show and I'm hooked. The best part is they've been airing it on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings so I've been able to catch it at least one of those nights each week.

As far as your question about shot location, it's not that uncommon to shoot in a location complete unrelated to where it is supposed to occur - especially if it is an outdoors type film (thus eliminating the chance famous landmarks will give away the location). Who knows why they may filmed it there. It could have been for budgeting reasons, the location better suited what the director was looking for, they couldn't get permission at the other location to shoot etc.

Now that I'm thinking about it if there is interest I may start a couple more threads for music and books if people are interested.



7:48 PM

I saw the Live8 concert and it was a mix of good and so/so although I wish they had reigned in the VJ's a little bit.

They had a tendency to talk over some of the performances I was most interested.

The Pink Floyd thing was great - other highlights for me: Richard Ashcroft/Coldplay performing Bittersweet Symphony, all of the McCartney stuff, and surprisingly Kanye West.

I haven't seen the previews for that particular show redwolf but I'll keep an eye out for it.

Did anyone else enjoy the Twilight Zone marathon on the sci-fi channel this weekend?